
Emulating exceptional-point encirclements using imperfect (leaky) photonic components: asymmetric mode-switching and omni-polarizer action
Significantly enhanced second-harmonic generations with all-dielectric antenna array working in the quasi-bound states in the continuum and excited by linearly polarized plane waves
WS2 Monolayers Coupled to Hyperbolic Metamaterial Nanoantennas: Broad Implications for Light-Matter-Interaction Applications
S.R.K. Chaitanya Indukuri, Frydendahl, Christian , Bar-David, Jonathan , Mazurski, Noa , and Levy, Uriel . 2020. Ws2 Monolayers Coupled To Hyperbolic Metamaterial Nanoantennas: Broad Implications For Light-Matter-Interaction Applications. Acs Applied Nano Materials, 3, 10, Pp. 10226-10233. Publisher's Version