Roy Zektzer has received the Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellowship (2020). Congratulations 13 February, 2020News
Jacob Engelberg has received the Carlsberg Foundation Scholarship. Congratulations. 26 May, 2019 News
Christian Frydendahl has received the Nano Art Reward at the Hebrew University Nano Conference for his piece “Nanoscopic Zoology”. Congratulations. 19 February, 2019 News
Roy Zektzer has received the best poster prize at the Hebrew University Nano Conference. Congratulations. 19 February, 2019News
Christian Frydendahl received the prestige Carlsberg Internationalisation Fellowship for post docs. Congratulation. 1 January, 2019News
Our student Roy Zektzer received the best poster award at the Nanocenter workshop “Unraveling New Horizons in Nano Materials at the Atomic Scale". Congratulations Roy. 1 January, 2019News
Our post doc Christian Frydendahl received the prestige Carlsberg Fellowship for post docs. Congratulation Christian. 1 November, 2018News
Eliran Talker received the prestige HUJI Nanocenter Fellowship for excellent PhD students. Congratulations Eliran. 1 October, 2018News