Research Tools

Design : Our design and simulation work is carried by a combination of various simulation tools:

  • Solvers for photonic design such as Eigenmode expansion (EME), rigorous coupled wave analysis (RCWA), and finite difference time domain (FDTD).
  • Optical design and ray-tracing software.
  • Multiphysics solvers.


Nano Fabrication : We fabricate our samples in house at the unit for nanofabrication at the Hebrew University Nanocenter (equipped with e-beam lithography and photolithography tools, metal deposition instruments, RIE/ICP, PECVD, glove box, packaging tools and characterization tools, e.g. profiler, microscopes, thickness measuring instrument, probe station, etc.). Our lab has a 2D materials transfer setup (single layer characterizations are done at the HUJI Nanocenter).


Experimental Characterization : We characterize our devices in the nanophotonic characterization laboratory headed by Uriel Levy. The lab was established in 2007. It includes 7 optical tables and state of the art characterization equipment including:

Light Sources:

  • Large variety of CW and pulsed lasers in the UV, visible and the near IR range (including a Ti-Sapphire laser, Pulsed Nd-YAG lasers and tunable semiconductor lasers).
  • Thermal sources: Black-body radiation source and QCLs in a variety of spectrums in the SWIR, MWIR and LWIR.
  • DFB Lasers for CW terahertz generation.

Cameras and Detectors:

CCD cameras, thermal cameras (SWIR, MWIR and LWIR), THz detectors, optical power meters (UV, VIS and IR) and single photon detectors.

Measurement Tools:

MTF measurement setup, VIS and NIR spectrometers, near-field scanning optical microscope (NSOM), Rb vapor reference cells, fiber-waveguide alignment system and UV to MWIR interferometers.

General Equipment:

Power sources and power meters, function generators, fast oscilloscopes, optical microscopes, fiber and free-space optical elements and more.


Structural Characterization : For structural characterization we use the unit for nano characterization at the Nanocenter of the Hebrew University. Primarily we use the high-resolution SEM, FIB and the AFM.